Hello my dear sweet friends! Enjoy your Monday Mantra for this week! Do your best, forget the rest… There is a sign next to our door. The door I use every day to leave and enter our home. It is there purposefully, as a reminder, and sentimentally. The same sign hung next to my Grandmother’s door. The door she used every day to leave and enter her home. It was there purposefully, as a reminder, and what would become a mantra. If you look at it closely, it is just a simple frame. It isn’t elegant, the furthest thing from...
Muddy Memories Segment #1: Slow Down Hey Friend! Close your eyes. Picture it. It was a summer day in 2000 and I was 9 years old. The feelings rush back to me like I am still in that moment if I just close my eyes and imagine. I can smell the fresh cut grass and summer air. I can hear the sound of my Grandma’s old lawn mower as one of my Uncles races around the yard. I can hear my Grandma’s laugh or her request for me to go in and get my Uncle a glass of lemonade because...
Let’s get real for a minute. This one might be a little harsh, but I need a kick in the pants from time to time and maybe you do too. Ever since Millie was born, not to sound cliché, but life has a whole different meaning. I have always been a pretty reflective person, but ever since she was born, I find myself in a constant state of analysis and reflection. I am always thinking from her point of view. For example, when she thinks of me or talks about me or thinks back to her childhood, what will her...
Hello Friends! I wrote this on my birthday and for the first time I have a completely different outlook on this day. I like to think I am pretty reflective and thoughtful most of the time, so it has always been on my radar that my Mom and I share this special day. However, after having a baby of my own, I will never look at this day the same way. I knew I needed to take some time today to share this letter with my mom, and the world, because I appreciate her in a way that I know...
Hello Friends! Welcome to M2 and madisonmoyer.com. For years I have been wanting to start a blog. I have made every excuse in the book not to… no one will read it, who am I to feel that what I have to say is important, I’m too busy, etc. Yet, time and time again, my heart kept coming back to this and I knew it was something I needed to do. 2019 is the year that it becomes a reality and I am so excited to welcome you to this space! Before we jump into posts, let me introduce you...
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Jean Piaget said: “Play is the work of childhood”. ...
An Open Letter to My Daughter on her Third Birthday
Dear Millie, I blinked… and you are 3. I know that I...
Be Vulnerable, Dare Greatly
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; It’s having the...