Balance and Joy
It seems simple, right? We learn early as kids that the balance beam requires skill, practice, and that word… balance. Yet, along the way, we never receive specific guidance on how that balance beam will translate to real life.
I used to believe, not so long ago, that I was supposed to have it all figured out. We turn 18 and we are “adults”. Some of us go to college or right into the work force and we are off “on our own”. We get married and we are “settling down”. These life changes happen and nowhere along the line does anyone tell you, it’s the journey, not the destination.
I’m pretty lucky. I had grandparents who consistently reminded me to “slow down” as I was growing up. To look around me and enjoy the right now, to appreciate the present. Even with their voices in my head today reminding me to be present and enjoy what is right in front of me, I still feel the pressure and hear the lies that our society and culture tell us. We live in an age where nothing is ever enough.
That sounds harsh, right? If you really think about it though, it is true. Most of us are always waiting for the next big job promotion, waiting for the next season, next month, next year, or even next week. We say things like “Things are just so crazy right now, next week will be better”. We make promises to ourselves that deep down, we know we won’t keep.
“Next year, I’m going to work out every day.”
“When my kids are gone to college, then I will travel.”
“After I finish all these years of working overtime, I will have the time for my husband/wife and kids.”
Yet, when we unintentionally put things off, when we push off until tomorrow what we could have done today, we are taking the biggest risk of our lives… but no one warns us.
Tomorrow. This idea, this promise… yet, it is promised/guaranteed to no one. When I went to bed last night, there was no promise I would wake up in the morning, yet I said these same lies to myself yesterday about things I would push off until today because it was Columbus Day and I wouldn’t be at work.
Here’s the truth: we just need balance.
I used to see people who were a little older than me, who were doing all the “adult things”, and I used to think man, they have it all together. I use to see people getting married, having kids, and think gosh they look so happy. I’m sure they were and trust me I am too, but what I have realized is you can’t wait for the next milestone and look at that in the future and think “When I get _____________, then things will be ______________”. The reality is that’s not where the joy is. You find joy and peace in the moment, in the art of balance. I can’t be the world’s greatest teacher, the world’s greatest wife, the world’s greatest mom, the world’s greatest daughter, the world’s greatest sister, the world’s greatest volunteer for charity, etc. all at the same time. I used to think that was the goal, but I have realized it isn’t. There will be times when I am an amazing teacher, but if that is the area that is getting my energy, for a little while I might just be a mediocre wife and friends….
In case you needed to hear this, it is okay. You are enough. You are amazing. Take a deep breath and balance yourself. This is the key.
Life will happen, moments pass, which turn into days, weeks, months and years. Before we know it, years have gone by. I don’t want to look back over them and regret or wish I had. We don’t get where we want to go on accident, we have to be intentional. What I have realized though is that we have to be intentional a little at a time, slowly build each area of our life in the way we want, and although tomorrow isn’t promised, we do all we can today, we find joy and peace, and then if tomorrow comes we won’t be waiting for the next thing, we will truly be enjoying it.
When everything feels heavy, when I feel like I have failed in one area or several in my life, I try to come back to this word: balance. Rome wasn’t built in a day, why do we hold ourselves to impossible expectations? We need time to grow, evolve, and become who we were meant to be. Along the way we need balance to get there and to keep us grounded.
Here’s to pursuing a present, simple life by living intently and always remembering what matters and what doesn’t. Remember to give yourself grace and permission to enjoy the journey. I’m always in your corner, cheering you on, and pulling for you friend!
With love always, Madison